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Red Bucket Strategies is a management consultancy firm headquartered in Seattle, Washington, servicing clients since 2002.

The company began in the leadership and professional development space as Simple Team Solutions. From its humble beginnings, the firm flourished, serving a variety of clients in various industries.

But frustration pointed in a new direction. Honest evaluation of ROI on all engagements led to a deep dive into neuroplasticity, seeking insight into a single question: why is it so hard to change the adult brain, and how does that change actually occur when it does?

2006 marked a turning point. Our CEO made a decision and a commitment. The decision? The company would specialize in one thing: helping leaders and their organizations become truly expert at accelerating and adopting change, and use this ability to create superiors result. The commitment: to build the company into the global leader in this new specialty.

The Great Recession provided the watershed moment. The intensive pressure of 2009 provided a unique context to demonstrate our uniqueness. During the recession, the company offered its programs on a pay-for-performance basis, where most of our revenue was attached to the numeric outcomes achieved by our clients in the programs we were facilitating. The strategy worked. The business survived, thrived, and grew geometrically because of it.

Today, our enterprise expertise remains field-vetted and result-focused. Having been birthed in the field and proven in the fires of 2009, our approach remains refreshingly practical, engaging, and focused on business outcomes.

We fundamentally believe that excellent organizations, led by great leaders, have the capacity to become dramatically more change adoptive than they are today. We exist to help those leaders accelerate the transformation of their organizations into fast-changing, quickly-pivoting enterprises that dominate their market space and create new value for all stakeholders.

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